
Bad! Bad! Leroy Brown!

Posted by admin on Monday, September 17, 2007

Baddest man in the whole damn town!

Badder than the deep blue seaaaaa!

Badder than you and meeeee!

I found it a funny coincidence that they were discussing The Box Music Network (which I can't find jack shit about online or anywhere, despite being an intern there in the mid-late 90s) on FloridaDNB and today was Ol' Dirty Monday at BTB HQ. Nonetheless, I stumbled across some classic material, an interview segment with ODB on Box Talk.

Enjoy. I've been nostalgic all day.

Here's to one of the most original emcees to ever grace the microphone.


Ol' Dirty Bastard - Brooklyn Zoo II [Elektra , 1995]

Get over to about the 5 minute mark, during the live excerpt, where he talks about rap being his bitch. I think those lines right there exemplify hard-rappin'. That's how you must step to the motherfuckin' microphone, and over that beat? Rough. I love that shit.

.... aaaaand, because I loooove y'all, Dirty sayin' his piece at the Grammy's.

I know some of y'all are thinkin' about what I said about Kanye, but this is mad different. Atleast Ol' Dirty said his piece, and left peacefully instead of making some tantrum-style ruckus. Shoot, they even clapped for Ol' Dirt.

Wu-Tang is for the children.

-Sounds Fly Right? DANGER.

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