
30 Hornets vs 30k Bees

Posted by admin on Monday, January 28, 2008

Advantage Hornets... or more like Game-Set-Match

Courtesy of a user over at FloridaDNB, this is an entry listing the 5 most horrifying bugs on the planet. This particular segment from NatGeo caught my attention because of the sheer carnage these hornets carry out as they descend on these bees. Lookit, this is 30 of these evolved juggernaut Japanese hornets versus 30,000 of your standard bees. They didn't stand a chance, it was a massacre from the jump. Welcome to the slaughter. It's also a testament to what slow-motion and dramatic scoring can do. Heh.

By the way, this shit goes after humans too... and it sprays you with flesh-melting poison. Yes, flesh-melting poison... you read right... and it sprays you in the eyes. Then, you know how most people are terrified of the aforementioned standard bees swarming? Yeah, well, these fuckers do the same thing, and each is the size of your thumb. They swarm, and eventually kill you... 40 people end up on that mission catch a bad one every year.

Nature is not to be trifled with. We may have global warming and what have you, but nature has juggernaut hornets.

"... and you dont fuck with that kind of evil" -Lewis Black

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