I caught this one over at DX and thought about what kind of repercussions it could have on the blogosphere, if the RIAA decided to pursue them. Basically, the Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act adds some pretty stiff wording and penalties for infringement and distribution -- be it peer-2-peer or otherwise.
Titles I and II strengthen the substantive civil and criminal laws relating to copyright and trademark infringement. Title III of the legislation establishes the Office of the United States Intellectual Property Enforcement Representative (USIPER), in the Executive Office of the President, to enhance nationwide and international coordination of intellectual property enforcement efforts. Title IV provides for the appointment of intellectual property officers to work with foreign countries in their efforts to combat counterfeiting and piracy. Title V of the legislation authorizes the creation of a permanent Intellectual Property Division within the Department of Justice. The purpose of the new IP Division is to improve law enforcement coordination. This is accomplished, in part, by transferring the functions of the existing Computer Crime and Intellectual Property section (CCIPs) that relate to intellectual property enforcement to the new IP Division. In addition, Title V provides DOJ with new resources targeted to improve IP law enforcement, including local law enforcement grants and additional investigative and prosecutorial personnel. It also requires that DOJ prepare an annual report that details its IP enforcement activities.
The bill also amends some changes to how statutory damages are calculated allowing for multiple awards of damages per case. Another article I read at Public Knowledge calculated at least $7,500 in liability and up to $1.5 Million in statutory damages for downloading 10 songs.
Check out this other great article from when the bill was introduced.
We need to pay attention to this because it could mean serious consequences for being a music blogger providing downloads or even reading and downloading from them.
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