
The Wretched Sun by Iron Thrones

Posted by admin on Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Formed initially as Everest in late 2005, Iron Thrones is a band from Minneapolis that consists of Adam Clemans, Steven Henningsgard, Curtis Parker and Peter Clarke. They have one album out (Visions Of Light; which I plan to upload later on) and an EP (this one); both of them self-released. Iron Thrones won the No Label Needed Contest that was organized by Scion so, for the first time ever probably, a band deserving to win actually did win a big competition, and this EP here is the result of said contest. Seriously, the more I listen to this, the more I like it!

Some describe Iron Thrones' sound as similar to the bastard baby between Opeth and post-metal bands such as Cult Of Luna, and they would be right. Iron Thrones simply slays, starting this EP with the song "Like A Moth To Flame", which is honestly one of the best songs I have heard, the whole thing keeps on progressing with their brilliant mixture of Progressive Death Metal and Post-Metal. We have some beautiful textures and then a second later comes a riff that crushes you away. Also, combining clean voices, harsh vocals more akin to Hardcore and deep growls, the vocal section is as varied as the rest of the instruments and everything works out greatly. An amazing record on all fronts, check this out IMMEDIATELY.

320 KBPS, one of the most sweet EPs there are around from an upcoming band, downloading it with permission of one of the members of the band -who gladly allowed me to upload this here-, and having an ear-orgasm, there is no reason to not support this.

Once you are done listening repeatedly to this album, visit their Facebook page, their Twitter, buy their stuff from their site, go see them live, or show some support in any way that you possibly can, seriously, these guys deserve it.

The Wretched Sun (2010)



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