
Cloudkicker Discography

Posted by admin on Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cloudkicker is a one man instrumental/progressive rock project. The man behind the music is Ben Sharp from Columbus Ohio. He has a day job, for him the music is a hobby, and a way to make some extra cash. All of his albums and EPs are available for free download at, and if you want you can donate some money to him. It's all pay what you feel, so even if you get it from here, if you like it throw him a couple of bucks. He does it because he loves it, but it's gotta be nice to earn some extra scratch for your work. Also here is an interview of what Sharp thinks of his work and style.

The Map is Not the Territory (EP) - 2008


The Discovery - 2008

Portmanteau (EP) - 2009

]]][[[ (EP) - 2010

Beacons - 2010

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