
Programmed To Consume - Abysmal Dawn

Posted by admin on Friday, April 8, 2011

The Los Angeles, California death metal band Abysmal Dawn thundered onto the scene with their 2006 debut From Ashes. They had the honor of opening for Emperor when they played the U.S. and have done several other tours. The band is set to raise their profile even higher by signing to Relapse Records for their second effort.

Programmed To Consume finds Abysmal Dawn expanding and perfecting their sound. The crushing death metal is there, with pummeling blast beats and shredding guitars. They also infuse elements of thrash and black metal that increase the extremity and diversity of the music. The songs range from lighting fast traditional death metal to mid tempo tracks with a lot of groove and melody. There's even some acoustic guitars and a song that's slower and doomy.

Charles Elliot is the band's vocalist, and he shows a wider range on this album as well. His death metal growls are sufficiently angry and brutal, and he also adds some menacing high pitched black metal scream and some evil whispered/spoken word vocals. Great musicianship, a lot of variety and excellent songwriting make Programmed To Consume a top notch death metal CD.


Programmed To Consume (2008)


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