
Compilation #4

Posted by admin on Monday, December 27, 2010

This comp is darker and more br00tal than before. It will leave you pulling your hair out, planting your face through a wall and asking for more, cheers!




1) Wicked - Neuraxis 

2) Overpopulation Annilation - Circus of Dead Squirrels

3) The Mower - Halford

4) Stigmatized - Witchery

5) Force Field - The Atomic Bitchwax

6) Zombies, March! - Gwar

7) Hail Satan - Crucifyre 

8) Second To Sun - Athiest

9) You Lose - Misery Index

10) Witch Hammer - Crucifyre 

11) Sleeping Giants - Misery Index 

12) Embodied Deception - Fleshgod Apocalpyse 

A double shot of Misery Index and a double dose of Crucifyre! 

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