
Strapping Yound Lad Discography

Posted by admin on Thursday, February 24, 2011

This is a follow up to my rapidshare post a year ago. I keep hearing that the links are down, and I don't have a rapidshit account anymore to check.

Strapping Young Lad was a Canadian extreme metal band formed by Devin Townsend in Vancouver, British Columbia, in 1995. The band started as a one-man studio project; Townsend played most of the instruments on the 1995 debut album, Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing. By 1997, he had recruited permanent members; this line-up, which consisted of Townsend on vocals and guitar, Jed Simon on guitar, Byron Stroud on bass, and Gene Hoglan on drums, lasted until the band's dissolution.

Heavy As A Really Heavy Thing (1995)

City (1997)

No Sleep Till BedTime (Live) (1998)

Strapping Young Lad (2003)

Alien (2005)

The New Black (2006)

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