
ABU! Disco Scratch Radio Takeover Show May 2011 (DSR49)

Posted by admin on Thursday, May 26, 2011


May's edition of the ABU Takeover Show on the mighty diggedy-diggedy-Disco Scratch Radio Show was well and truly filled with musical goodies.
The music couldn't have been rougher and the chatroom couldn't have been filthier.
Some absences were duly noted - without any pre-arranged written notification I have to say - it was very disappointing to see no-shows from Scenes and Dapster.
Ultimately these individuals are to sit in a small room listening to the Vanilla Ice Is Back Hip Hop 'Classics' album on repeat for a length of time of which I shall determine.

However there were appearances from the usual suspects as well as Crimes and the Chuckle Brothers (giving up precious time planning their upcoming Laugh Your Arse Off Or The Kitty Gets It Summer Tour on Great Yarmouth Pier 2011)

Tracklist: (look away now if you don't want to see the results)

01  Francis Monkman - The Long Good Friday (1980) (Ahhhh, that's the one!)
02  Phill Most Chill - On Tempo Jack (Street Version) (1988)
03  Silver Bullet - 20 Seconds To Comply (Bomb Squad Mix) (1989)
04  Run DMC - Down With The King (1993)
05  Organised Confusion - Who Stole My Last Piece Of Chicken (1991)
06  Cazal Boys - Snatchin' Cazals (1985)
07  Twilight 22 - Electric Kingdom (1983)
08  Master Ace - Four Minus Three (1990)
09  Bronx Dogs - Tribute To Jazzy Jay (1997) (Re-Cut by REPO)
10  Karl Pilkington Skit
11  Biz Markie - Nobody Beats The Biz (Demo Mix) (1988)
12  Above The Law - Untouchable (1988)
13  Captain Rock - Cosmic Blast (1984)
14  Disco Four - Get Busy (1986)
15  Beyond There - The Positive Step (1997)
15  Doug E Fresh & The Get Fresh Fresh Crew - Nuthin' (1986)
16  The Funk Trunk 1 - The Mike Curb Congregation - Mickey Mouse March (1974)
17  The Funk Trunk 2 - The Mike Curb Congregation - Burning Bridges (1971)
18  The Funk Trunk 3 - KC & The Sunshine Band - Let It Go (Part 2) (For SCENES)
19  Diamond D & The Psychotic Neurotics - Check One, Two (1993)
20  De La Soul - The Return Of DST (2010) (From the forthcoming album, You're Welcome)
21  Pieces Of A Dream - Mt Airy Groove (1982)
22  Gang Starr - 2 Deep (1992)
23  The Almighty El-Cee - We Have Risen (1987) (For Finchy)
24  Waxer - Blacker Shader Of Dark (2010)
25  Roots Of The Roots 1 - Madness - Night Boat To Cairo (1979)
26  Roots Of The Roots 2 - Kraftwerk - The Model (1982)
27  Vanilla Ice - You Gots To Chill (2008) (For the sado-masochists)
28  Demon Boyz - Northside (1988) (For Inch)


Next Thursday sees the ground-breaking Disco Scratch Radio 50th show. Yes 50 shows! Can you dig it?
It promises to be special so keep em peeled as we shall bring you all the news as we get it as to what's going down.
You DON'T want to miss this one. Thursday 2nd June 2011.

And lastly.....don't forget to use this essential piece of coding as cracked by the mighty RUSEONE during next week's show:

This will enable you to open up a window of the chatroom in a decent size without resorting to magnifying glasses.
Sensei, you're doing a great job but you NEED to sort the chatroom out :-)

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