
Podcast Requests

Posted by admin on Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The dust hasn't even settled on The ABBU! Podcast #1 yet here we go talking 'bout show #2.
Yes, Ageing B-Boys are busy plottin', researchin', rhymin' and stealin' to bring you the best hour's worth of entertainment that money simply can't buy.

I need your requests for tracks that you'd like to hear.
Write to me and beg like your life depends on it and I might select your selection, Selectah. Then again I might fob you off with some old flannel by saying that, would you believe it, I've got everything else by that particular artist but NO, I'VE NOT GOT THAT ONE.

Obfuscation and circumvention. We kickin crazy ballistics, yo.

Do it. Dooooo it.

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