So here it is. Merry Christmas. Everybody's having fun?
Just one week to go. I trust you are suitably dressed in the appropriate seasonal attire of embarrassing knitted Christmas jumper from your Nan and party hat. Yes? Good.
Then we shall begin.
An hours-worth of Christmas-flavoured tunes from yesteryear, spliced with the usual ABU! madness all packed in a gorgeous .mp3 file.
And there is a competition in this month's show. Yes! Giveaways! Freebies!
Thank you to everyone who's supported ABU! throughout the year and contributed in any way. Here's to a great Christmas and a happy New Year.
Download the Ageing B-Boys Unite! Podcast #4 Xmas Special here. Listen to it NOW or else it'll lose it's magic after the 25th.
Reminder: competition entries to by 15th Jan at latest please.
p.s. Who can find 'this month's obvious mistake'. Clue, it's visual.
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