
Kamelot Discography

Posted by admin on Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kamelot is an American power metal band from Tampa, Florida. The band was formed by Thomas Youngblood and Richard Warner in 1988. Norwegian vocalist Roy Khan joined for the album Siége Perilous, and has shared song-writing duties with Youngblood since.

Kamelot was my entrance into symphonic metal. After I had discovered power metal in '05, I eventually moved into symphonic for a time. I know The Black Halo was once one of my most played albums (I even own a physical copy), along with the power-powerhouses Iced Earth, Blind Guardian, and Manowar. Albums like The Black Halo, Epica, and Karma were all well worn. By the time Ghost Opera came out my interest in symphonic had waned quite a bit (still a great album), but from time to time I do like to break out some Kamelot and enjoy.

Eternity -1995


Dominion - 1997

Siége Perilous - 1998

The Fourth Legacy - 1999

Karma - 2001

Epica - 2003

The Black Halo - 2005

Ghost Opera - 2007

On a side note: while writing this post I discovered that the Blind Guardian discography has not been posted yet. I have added it to the list.

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