As far as free music goes, angrierchairs has been providing! As my internet providers are fuck ups and my parents are soon to be going through messy divorce, time to upload stuff is pretty hard but my friends at Einsam Vuk (and also the station i dj at) have gave out this completely free compilation entitled 'Time For Battle'.
Full of heavy hits, pagan vibes, folky black death metal thingies and all sorts it's definately worth checking out, featuring bands like Noctem and stuff it's a great way to discover some awesome bands (Like Noctem, whos album was the 1st album post i ever did here)
Einsam Vuk - Time For Battle Compilation - 2010
And if you're interested in the compilation, visit einsam vuks radio at where you can hear DJs 24/7 including myself twice a week, thursdays and sundays, 4pm-7pm EST thursdays and 3pm-6pm EST sundays.
Sorry for my disappearance, rolo tomassi + TDEP discogs in the pipeline!
Home » power » Time for battle compilation!
Time for battle compilation!
Posted by admin on Monday, June 21, 2010
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