
Trippy Wicked and the Cosmic Children of the Knight

Posted by admin on Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Just got this one in this morning. See, im catching up!

A rolling, thundering mass of infectious riffs, distorted gut-busting bass, tripped out vocals, relentless beats and hairy sweaty faces twisted with grins and gurns. Trippy Wicked & the Cosmic Children of the Knight cut a groove deeper than the ocean abyss.
Movin On, released 30th October 2009, is the debut album by DIY stoner sleaze rock trio Trippy Wicked & the Cosmic Children of the Knight. It's a 10 track, 52 minute epic musical journey of songs about living the good life, fire, growing beards, girls, aliens, loneliness, pirates, love and so much more. Movin On is full of the sexiest, sleaziest stoner, doom, blues, whatever-the-hell-you-wanna-call-it riffs you ever heard and was recorded in June 2009 under the warm Dorset sunshine at Chuckalumba studios.

Movin On (2009)trippywicked
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