
Before A Burning Earth

Posted by admin on Tuesday, November 3, 2009

These guys from Poland sent in their debut album, Pretty standard deathcore album. I'm not too big into that scene so sadly I cant say much more.

We're a young band and young guys Band was born in february 2009 in Poznan in Poland. We have recorded our first EP in summer 2009 between July/August. This EP will be available between August/September. If you want you can buy our EP "Doomsday is coming" in digipack with t-shirt (soon), you can also download our EP for free, your choice We plan tour on fall to promote our debutant album. Now we play shows where we can and We hope that you like our sound. Taken from their myspace, be sure to check it out and support them!

Doomsday is Coming (2009)beforeaburningearth

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