
Sign of the Southern Cross

Posted by admin on Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Asheville, North Carolina. In the very heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains a potent brew has been distilled out the finest Southern ingredients. In the year 2006 THE SIGN OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS emerge from their cask, where they have matured after blending each members’ tastes for the melodic and fiery power of PANTERA and CORROSION OF CONFORMITY with the swamp flavored heaviness of DOWN and EYEHATEGOD. Perfectly combing the aggressive attitude of their metal ancestry with the proud musical heritage of stump stomping songs of their folk fathers, their debut album “Of Mountains and Moonshine” seeps with infectious riffs. Its powerful melodies are crowned by Seth Uldricks’ soulful and deeply resonant vocals, which mark him as an outstanding singer in the best tradition of PANTERA.

Please note the Pantera influence, at times this album comes across as a long forgotten Pantera album or an unreleased Down disc. Its a method thats been done by the best, copied by a bunch but it works.

Of Mountains and Moonshine (2009)

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