
The End Is Near

Posted by admin on Thursday, February 10, 2011

I was saddened to hear this week that a fellow Blogger may be ending his site due to outside forces - primarily to the muthaf@%$ing DMCA blog police.

I'm talking about SCENES who currently runs The Underground Strikes Back.

Sadly, it looks like it will be no more by the end of the month and there is a great selection of stuff available for download. However you've got to get there quick or else it goes with the site.

While you're there, please take a few moments to leave a comment and give thanks as Phil has been providing quality content for over 4 years now.

I've certainly bagged a few goodies over time and caught some rare vids and mags so for that I say a massive thanks to Scenes.

Also, it was this very same guy who way back in the early 90's designed a couple of front covers for my hip hop mag, Juice. Top man.

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