Portal is an Australian extreme metal band notorious for its unorthodox fusion of death metal with black metal. The band's hybrid musical style is characterised by heavily distorted guitar riffs, down-tuned rhythms, and vocals ranging from "menacing, echoing" sound effects to guttural grunts. Describing the band's style, Decibel magazine said: "If Morbid Angel and Gorguts had birthed a German Expressionist child, that unholy creature would be Portal." The band members keep their identities obscured and instead use stage names, The Curator (vocals), Horror Illogium (lead guitar), Aphotic Mote (rhythm guitar), Ominous Fugue (bass), and Ignis Fatuus (drums). Their costumes differ from the heavy metal fashion and look like "suits and executioners' masks save for vocalist The Curator, who wears a huge, tattered wizard's hat that obscures his face
Seepia (2003)http://www.mediafire.com/?61dqi6gjhf3wjd1
Outre (2007)http://www.mediafire.com/?ikx971j3612b18m
Swarth (2009)http://www.mediafire.com/?9o11jdql7kk932h
Home » technical death » Portal Discography
Portal Discography
Posted by admin on Wednesday, January 5, 2011
technical death
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