
Mighty High

Posted by admin on Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I got caught up with all the Halloween stuff and forgot about a bunch of wicked submissions that were sent my way. Gonna catch up and post them all for you guys today, first is Mighty High.

A power trio trapped in the body of a quartet, the band was formed in 2002 by Woody High (guitar/voices) out of sheer necessity. Mighty High existed as a band name, concept and denim jacket long before a single note of music was ever played. In fact, when Woody came up with the band name he couldn’t even play guitar (and still can’t). After years of bragging how great his band would be, his friends challenged him to put up or shut up. Tommy Blow (bass), TJ Whippets (guitar) and Jesse D’Stills (drums) share Woody’s blurred vision for a total assault on our dull, sober society. Mighty High Drops A Deuce is only a whiff of what’s to come in 2010. The band has half of their next album recorded and are frantically writing the other half of it. There will be plenty of live assaults in the remainder of 2009 to keep the band under police surveillance. Stay high and survive!

In Drug City (2008)mightyhighdrugcity

Drops a Deuce (2009)

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