
Video // Supernatural & DJ Scratch @ Rock The Bells 2008 - Miami

Posted by admin on Sunday, August 3, 2008

Supernatural and DJ Scratch doing some ill shit. Arguably one of the best performances of the entire festival, in my opinion. From the aspect of creative flow, live appeal, and getting the audience reaction they did given the time they performed -- these guys killed it, hard.

Supernatural was freestyling off whatever was being thrown on stage and DJ Scratch was constructing beats on the fly based on mere beat-boxing. Impressive on the flow, and on the beat improvisation. Suparnat even came down to the crowd afterwards and chilled. Nice cat.

For a second I thought I was listening to Rahzel at first, yeah, alright. The name is DJ Scratch, recognize me.

My bad.

Audio is aight here. I got Pharcyde videos but the audio is shit. I can share them but the audio is shit. You can thank the skull-shaking, teeth-rattling, sinus-clearing, ear drum violating subs at the base of the stage for that.

Word to ear-plugs.

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