
Rustie & Epcot ft Salva // Soapy Tits

Posted by admin on Thursday, May 29, 2008

Second joint drop from the Heroes Mixxtape I put you on to about 2 weeks ago. This track appears on the Beatnik Vol.1 compilation and comes courtesy of Rustie (from the Lucky Me/Wireblock camp, UK) featuring Epcot & Salva on vocal duties. The feel on this collabo is definitely a switch-up from the Epcot's last flow over Sebastian's Motor. Most of the Heroes LP will carry that gritty, funk nasty vibe you'll hear on Soapy Tits.

Rustie & Epcot ft Salva - Soapy Tits

I'll be catching up with dudes next week, so expect to hear from Epcot & Salva.

You know you can't fuck with a man's ambition... True indeed.

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