
Video // David Banner On Weight Loss

Posted by admin on Thursday, July 31, 2008


Having previously been a big huge dude, I'll usually stand behind most rational advice that anyone can give towards achieving a weight-loss goal. At the end of the day, it's your health and well-being, both short and long term.

Check out what David Banner has to say. Cats tell me I need to eat, constantly. Much to their disbelief, I tell them I eat 5 to 6 times a day.

It's like this:

Your metabolism is like a fire. You give it too much fuel, you smother it. You don't give it enough fuel, it dies out. When your metabolism decreases, your body's physiological response is to slow the rate at which you burn what you've already eaten. You retain fat, etc -- just like Banner states.

Yo, it's a hard concept that by eating more you can lose weight, but if you eat smaller portions, more often, it works. Throw in a good, and simple, exercise regimen, and you're golden.

I hate to sound preachy with this, but after losing all the weight I did, keeping it off for as long as I have, and knowing how much better I felt -- my overweight people, you need to get on this.

It's refreshing to see things like this and Fried Chicken surfacing. People don't really think about these things sometimes.

via Mr X

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