
Can I Get An Amen, Revisted?!

Posted by admin on Monday, August 20, 2007

.com/blogger_img_proxy/I was looking for this mix to include it in yesterday's post, but realized I had it saved on a different machine. Not only did yesterday's recommendation hit the heart string, but so did this mix which highlights some of the era's best tunes. Interesting thing about all this music is that there wasn't much to it, but it was all there. It was under developed, but the ideas just transcended by virtue of sheer feeling, mood, and use of space. Mostly it was just drums (*cough* amens), strings, and odd effects; but that's all that was needed. Simple, yet effective and oh so good. Classic business without a doubt. I'd be remiss if I didn't include this slammin' mix by Pressure covering the 94-96 Metalheadz Sunday Sessions @ the Blue Note years, and appropriately named Strings and Amens. Art is not only knowing what to put in, but what to leave out.

Enjoy, I know I have.

Pressure - Blue Note Pt 2 94-96 - Strings & Amens

[mp3, 96.5mb, 1:10:17]

dillinja - angels fell - metalheads
shimon - preadator - ram
the truper(photek) - vol 1 -streetbeats
sounds of life(source direct) - currents - cert 18
the specialist(dillinja) - deep and rolling - dread
doc scott - its yours - metalheads
stakka + kee - tee - living for the night - lifting spirits
studio pressure(photek) - relics (natural mystic mix)- cert 18
roni size - jazz ting - V
the truper(photek) - vol 2 - streetbeats
little matt(optical) - Phat & Phuturistic - bear necessities
source direct - stars - odyssey
andy c - roll on - ram
Aquarius(photek) - drift to the center - looking good
digital - touch me(95 agony mix)- timeless
peshay - world of music - infrared

-The Angles Fell, Watch Out Now

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