
Request DMC Videos

Posted by admin on Sunday, January 16, 2011

This is just a small request from me I'm not looking for any vinyl it's video that I am looking for.

About 10 years ago I sold all my DMC elimination videos to a small shop in Manchester called vinyl revival, I sold them because I was just getting rid of some unwanted stuff at the time. At that time capturing to pc wasn't even thought of and I didn't even do any video to video copies so now I am looking for these eliminations again and I am asking your help with this because even DMC themselves can't help or are just to lazy to get of their arses to record these again.

Now the eliminations I am looking for are 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993/94, 1995, 1998 & 1999. I have 1988, DMC didn't even bother to film the 1996 eliminations for some strange reason and 1997 is actually on the 1997 world finals video.

I am also looking for the 2 European finals they held 1990 & 1991.

Any kind person who has any of these and would be so kind to do me video copies or capture them for me would be much appreciated.

Please contact me @

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