Found this the other day. It's a documentary all about kicks, sneakers, trainers, pumps or whatever you call your b-boy footwear.
Some interesting facts are given throughout and talking heads include Run,DMC, Bonz Malone, Fab 5 Freddy, Damon Dash, Grandmaster Caz to name just a few.
Now, I know that the real hard-knocks like to have more than a few trainers box-fresh in multiple quantities stacked in the crib but some examples here are truly astounding.
The Sneaker Riots when Nike released a limited run of 150 pairs of Nike NYC Pigeon Dunks to certain stores in New York City is quite something espicially to those not deep into the whole sneaker collecting sub-culture.
I especially enjoyed hearing DMC's confession as to the real reason why 'My Adidas' came about. Blame it on Russell Rush!
Home » VIDS » Just For Kicks (2005)
Just For Kicks (2005)
Posted by admin on Monday, January 17, 2011
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