Uriah Heep are an English hard rock band that released several commercially successful albums in the 1970s such as Uriah Heep Live (1973), but their audience declined by the 1980s, to the point where they became essentially a cult band in the United States and United Kingdom. Uriah Heep maintain a significant following in Germany, the Netherlands, Scandinavia, the Balkans, Japan and Russia, where they still perform at stadium-sized venues. Uriah Heep were the first Western band to play in Soviet Russia, under Gorbachev's policy of glasnost. They have sold over 30 million albums worldwide.
Very 'Eavy...Very 'Umble - 1970
Salisbury - 1971
Look At Yourself - 1971
Demons And Wizards - 1972
The Magician's Birthday - 1972
Sweet Freedom - 1973
Wonderworld - 1974
Return To Fantasy - 1975
High And Mighty - 1976
Firefly - 1977
Innocent Victim - 1977
Fallen Angel - 1978
Conquest - 1980
Abominog - 1982
Head First - 1983
Equator - 1985
Raging Silence - 1989
Different World - 1991
Sea of Light - 1995
Sonic Origami - 1998
Also they have 2 newer albums, but I don't have them and I honestly don't care; 20 albums is enough.
Best album by far is Demons And Wizards - one of my favorite albums of all times (see my write-up of it). Their albums through the 70's are all pretty good, although honestly I've never listened past Firefly. Early stuff is the foundations of all future progressive metal, later albums move into different genres.
Home » Progressive » Uriah Heep Discography
Uriah Heep Discography
Posted by admin on Friday, October 8, 2010
classic rock,
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