
Violently Delicate

Posted by admin on Friday, February 19, 2010

Let's take a moment to branch off of the normal path...

Eatliz is an alternative rock band, based in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Through its 8 years of existence, Eatliz has been performing endlessly in Israel, building a strong cult following of indie rock fans. Eatliz is known for its internationally awarded music videos and for reinventing itself in every live show, where the stage is a playground and every show is unique. Eatliz unconventional approach to music makes it tough to label with a genre as every song of the band is an adventure, a toy to be played by the skilled hands of the band members, and a genuine declaration of originality and vision.

I really do recommend this. I may have some strange taste but I really enjoyed it.
Violently Delicate (2007)eatliz
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