
DJ Bandwagon // Social Currency [Mixtape]

Posted by admin on Sunday, September 21, 2008


One of the homies shot over this mixtape to me two weeks ago, and I've been selfishly sitting on it. Holding out, as it were. I've seen the error of my ways, and am now coming correct, so to speak. HA.

But seriously, I gave it a listen and it's well-worth your ear. I don't have a tracklisting, but I can tell you there's some True Pseudo, L.A. Riots, Kill the Noise, Guns & Bombs, Budy Akai, Treasure Fingers and Bloc Party remix action on it.

Maybe I can get Bandwagon himself to drop a tracklist in the comments. Whuttup Law?!

DOWNLOAD: DJ Bandwagon - Social Currency [Mixtape]

LINK: DJ Bandwagon MySpace

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