
Bobby Corridor // B-Boys To Men Mix

Posted by admin on Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bobby Corridor comes with a 90-minute megamix of over 600 classic Hip Hop instrumentals. Not to take anything away from the flows that rode over the top of many of these beats, but the soundscapes beneath were just as integral throughout Hip Hop history.

Words from Bobby Corridor:

Just finished this hip hop megamix, 600+ tracks and 90 minutes long

Done partly to have my say in the hip hop megamix arena and prove that they can flow, partly to pay homage to the music I grew up with and partly to make sense of something and maybe, just maybe move on("he'll grow out of it").

I could work on it for daddy long time but need to bid it farewell and release it into the world

*wipes tear*

Bobby Corridor - B-Boys To Men
Maximum to GRANDGOOD for the drop.

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