
Monday Disguised As A Tuesday

Posted by admin on Tuesday, May 27, 2008

After a pretty smooth long holiday weekend, I'm not feeling being back at work this Monday Tuesday. Given that I'll be on the West Coast next week, I'm feeling work even less. There isn't enough Cuban Coffee in the South Eastern United States to get me motivated to be in the office today. I'm ready to go home, now.

Going down the blog roll, I came up on Rock the Dub's weekly playlist, which was punctuated with this video. I echo his sentiments last week, this morning. When Tuesday is actually a Monday, tragic.

This cut I personally consider to be one of the best off Lif's 2002 I Phantom LP out on Def Jux. The beats are just rude as fuck, and then he cuts into the b-boy breakdown. Dead boss, somebody call Red Cross... vicious. Story-telling, various quality beat flips, complete.

Mr. Lif - Live At The Plantation


But on the bright side, hollar at a 4-day work week. Ha!

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