
Cauldron Discography

Posted by admin on Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cauldon is a heavy metal band based out of Toronto, Ontario. They were formed in 2006 following the breakup of Goat Horn, with guitarist Brandon Wars leaving to form a new band, Zuku. Cauldron consists of Jason Decay on vocals and bass, Chris Steve on drums, and Ian Chains on lead guitar. Since forming, Cauldron has toured both North America and Europe, including a performance at the Keep It True Festival in Germany. In early 2007, they released a four-song EP, Into The Cauldron. It was composed of material originally intended for the next Goat Horn album. Cauldron's song "Restless" is featured in a DC Shoes video of professional skateboarder Danny Way. Drummer Al Chambers left the band in 2008 to join Relapse Records' Toxic Holocaust, and the position was filled briefly by Steelrider, the original drummer of Goat Horn. He was then replaced by Kill Cheerleader/Zuku/Crystal Castles drummer, Chris Rites. Since Rites' departure from the band in 2009, Chris Steve of Canadian band Aggressor has taken over the role of drummer.

Into The Cauldron (2007)cauldronintothenight

Chained to the Nite (2009)

Burning Fortunes (2011)

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