A DMCA notice was sent to me and my first toplist was taken down due to one of these bands, Not sure which so to be safe i removed all the links. Sorry guys but your gonna have to look elsewhere for these awesome albums.
Yeah I'm a little late with getting this up but with having my computer and massive music collection die on me, I've had a bit of catching up to do. The thing your gonna have to realize about this list is that it is my favorites, it seems like every music blog out there did a list with the same stuff on it over and over again. Now I do have some albums that appeared all over the place but I also left some off that will probably leave people wondering why. Oh well, my taste, not yours.
15. the Sword- Warp Riders
14. Howl- Full of Hell
13. Abigail Williams- In the Absence of Light
12. White Wizzard- Over the Top
11. Kamelot- Poetry foe the Poisoned
10. Rotting Christ- Aealo
9. Bonded By Blood- Exiled to Earth
8. High on Fire- Snakes for the Divine
7. Agalloch- Marrow of the Spirit
6. Spiritual Beggars- Return to Zero
5. Julie Christmas- The Bad Wife
4. Dax Riggs- Say Goodnight to the World
3. Electric Wizard- Black Masses
2. The Flight of Sleipnir- Lore
1. Iron Maiden- The Final Frontier
No way I could narrow it down to just ten, even picking fifteen was pretty difficult. I'm sure many of you will disagree with my number one but I'm a diehard Maiden fan. My room is pretty much wall to wall Maiden merch.
Home » best of 2010 » Tims Top of 2010
Tims Top of 2010
Posted by admin on Tuesday, January 4, 2011
best of 2010
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