
Alice in Stonerland

Posted by admin on Thursday, January 27, 2011

Alberto from King Bong sends this one in, He sent their debut and I had it posted but it must of been on the old blog. You can grab it from my buddies at the swamp.

Alice In Stonerland” has been recorded live, as usual, as we believe this is the only way to capture the rawness and liveliness of the rituals held in honour of the King Bong.
We also decided to experiment a bit. For the first time, under the guide of the beast, we entered the studio with our minds completely free. Nothing had been written or rehearsed, we just pressed the REC button and let the music flow.
The result is 34 minutes of improvised music; you may find the audio quality isn't the clearest, but it's free, so don't complain. We hope you’ll enjoy your listening experience of “Alice In Stonerland” as much as we enjoyed playing it.

Alice in Stonerland (2010)kingstonerland

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