
Demise of The Clone

Posted by admin on Saturday, October 23, 2010

So, I'm at the Decibel Defiance tour on wednesday night seeing Suffocation, The Faceless, Decrepit Birth, Through The Eyes of The Dead and [the almighty] Fleshgod Apocalypse. There's a CD sitting there on the merch table for $3.00 (the album cover looks very familar to a Suffocation t-shirt I saw. So, I'm thinking in my mind that it's a side project, like the relation between Slayer and Grip Inc), so I grab that and a Suffocation sticker for an even $5.00. Turns out I was right it was a side-project, but not the kind I was expecting. The album is Suffocation's African-American drummer Mike Smith rapping hahah.

Demise of The Clone (1999)


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