
Whats Up?

Posted by admin on Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We try our best to bring a wide variety of music to your little ears without asking much in return. No passwords, No hidden motives, No complications and more importantly no ads! What little we ask for is a thanks, a comment or two, a friendly chat, anything to show that there really is a nice community that enjoys what we do.

The shoutbox has barely moved in a day, Comments on posts are few and far between (unless of course its meatpie getting chirped). At the end of a day when I come home and see support and thanks I get motivated to keep on pumping out the tunes, but when all I see is a ghost town... man it sucks. Ya know?

Gotta thank the ones who have stood by for months, saying a simple thanks on what they like. You know who you guys are and just know that the appreciation is well received.

Anyways don't want this to seem like a huge bitch fest, Just remember a comment or two goes a long way!catgottongue

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