
US DoJ To Play Enforcement Role In Copyright Infringement & File Sharing?

Posted by admin on Sunday, September 14, 2008


I need to give a nod to Omer for bringing this to my attention via DX, because it could have a direct effect on this blog. I remember hearing about the Pirate Act in 2004, and the backlash was similar. The main concern is that it may actually pass on one of the more recent incarnations.

I understand the need to protect intellectual property, clearly. However, when the government becomes actively involved in the civil prosecution and essentially sues on behalf of the copyright holder; it's a whole different ball game. Additionally, I think there is much to be said about what is piracy, and what is promotion. It's all going to boil down to their definitions of P2P file-sharers, and if that extends to bloggers as well.

Certainly one to watch. Till then, enjoy the music.

LINK: DX - New Bill To Stop File Sharing

LINK: C-Net -Senators Want Justice Department To Sue P2P Pirates

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