
Hurricane Ike

Posted by admin on Thursday, September 4, 2008

It never fails. Lately, whenever the hurricane season gets busy and there's multiple tropical cyclones around; the atmosphere in the streets, gas stations, and grocery stores just feels thick. People who have been complacent over the years, now know better and respect the weather events they once shrugged off as much ado about nothing.  

It'll miss us. Yeah, alright. 

It doesn't take Andrew 1992 to fix that kind of thought; but if you've been there, you know. Of course, people generally tend to forget these lessons as time passes, certainly over a decade. Although, I think the week-long (weeks in some cases), city-wide black-outs Katrina and Wilma gave us are still fresh in the minds of South Floridians; such that the frenzy of preparation is definitely out there.

You learn to keep a watchful eye for whats brewing in the Atlantic between June and November.

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