

Posted by admin on Sunday, August 24, 2008



Genero : Technical Post Thrash
Tema Lirico : Apocalipsis, Caos Total
Origen : Suecia (1987-Actualidad)

Miembros Actuales:
Jens Kidman - Vocals (1987-) (also Guitar (1987-1992, 2005) and Bass (2005))
Fredrik Thordendal - Guitar, Vocals (1987-) (also Bass (1995-1997), (2001-2005), and Keyboards (1998))
Mårten Hagström - Guitar (1992-) (also Bass (1995, 2005))
Tomas Haake - Drums, Vocals (1989-)
Dick Lövgren - Bass

Miembros Pasados:
Gustaf Hielm - Bass (1995-2001, live/session member 1995-1998)
Peter Nordin - Bass, Vocals (1987-1995)
Niklas Lundgren - Drums (1987-1989)

Comentario : esta gran banda, a pesar de todas sus variaciones con respecto al cambio de instrumentos que hizo cada integrante en la historia, destaca su tecnica para ejecutar sonidos casi industriales y al mismo tiempo convertidos en un thrash bastante atractivo. Les recomiendo bajar el Chaosphere y el Destroy Erase Improve primero que son los albumes que definen a Meshuggah...


Meshuggah - obZen [2008]

  1. Combustion
  2. Electric Red
  3. Bleed
  4. Lethargica
  5. This Spiteful Snake
  6. Pineal Gland Optics
  7. Pravus
  8. Dancers To A Discordant System
Meshuggah - Nothing REMASTERED [2006]
  1. Stengah
  2. Rational Gaze
  3. Perpetual Black Second
  4. Closed Eye Visuals
  5. Glints Collide
  6. Organic Shadows
  7. Straws Pulled At Random
  8. Spasm
  9. Nebulous
  10. Obsidian
Meshuggah - Catch Thirtythree [2005]
  1. Autonomy Lost
  2. Imprint of the Un-Saved
  3. Disenchantment
  4. The Paradoxial Spiral
  5. Re-Inanimate
  6. Entrapment
  7. Mind's Mirrors
  8. In Death - Is Life
  9. In Death - Is Death
  10. Shed
  11. Personae Non Gratae
  12. Dehumanization
  13. Sum

Meshuggah - Nothing[2002]
  1. Stengah
  2. Rational Gaze
  3. Perpetual Black Second
  4. Closed Eye Visuals
  5. Glints Collide
  6. Organic Shadows
  7. Straws Pulled At Random
  8. Spasm
  9. Nebulous
  10. Obsidian
Meshuggah - Chaosphere[1998]
  1. Concatenation
  2. New Millenium Cyanide Christ
  3. Corridor of Chamaleons
  4. Neurotica
  5. The Mouth Licking What You've Bled
  6. Sane
  7. The Exquisite Machinery Of Torture
  8. Elastic
Meshuggah - Destroy Erase Improve[1995]
  1. Future Breed Machine
  2. Beneath
  3. Soul Burn
  4. Transfixion
  5. Vanished
  6. Acrid Placidity
  7. Inside What's Within Behind
  8. Terminal Illusions
  9. Suffer In Truth
  10. Sublevels
Meshuggah - Contraddictions Collapse[1991]
  1. Paralyzing Ignorance
  2. Erroneous Manipulation
  3. Abnegating Cecity
  4. Internal Evidence
  5. Qualms Of Reality
  6. We'll Never See The Day
  7. Greed
  8. Choirs Of Devastation
  9. Cadaverous Mastication
Meshuggah - Ejaculation Of Salvation DEMO[1989]
  1. Ejaculation Of Salvation
  2. Greed
  3. Cadaverous Mastication
  4. The Dept Of Nature
  5. Sovereignes Morbidity
  6. Erroneous Manipulation

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