
Posted by admin on Sunday, July 13, 2008

Story of Band "Aeveron"!!!
(Epic Black Metal)
AEVERON was formed in 2002 with the following line-up: Thomas (vocals), Kay (lead guitar), Robert (rhythm guitar), Markus (keyboards), Dirk (bass) and Paul (drums).

Already before the foundation every member took part in various other groups and could therefore bring in a certain degree of musical skills and experience. Since then, they tried to unite their varied ideas and influences into one musical genre. Fastly it became clear that the created songs can hardly be assigned to a specific style. But since the so called “stereotypical thinking” is also evident in the music world, it is AEVERON’s opinion that their music is moving between the likes of In Flames, Hypocrisy and Edge of Sanity. In the summer of 2003, AEVERON released their self-produced first demo “Aeveron 2003”, which, besides receiving positive acclaim from the metal press, also provided them with numerous club and festival gigs across the eastern part of Germany.

PK+Bandfoto+2+grossOne year later, AEVERON recorded their debut album “Construality” at “Polygam Studio” in Pirna. This opus was created under the aegis of Kay-Uwe Schneider (Saxorior). After final works on the recordings as well as the layout of booklet and cover, the CD was finally released on the 30th of October 2004.Almost exactly one year later, in September 2005, rhythm guitarist Robert unfortunately decided to leave AEVERON for personal reasons. AEVERON hereby wants to thank him for almost 31/2 incredible years. In the beginning of October 2005, AEVERON – henceforth five members - entered the “Rape of Harmonies” studio (Patrick Engel, Ralf Müller) in Triptis to record their new output in form of the EP “The Ancient Realm”. With the final master mix in their hands, AEVERON sent applications for a record deal to over 100 production companies all over the world in January 2006.


In the same month AEVERON also took part in the countrywide “METALIUS Bandcontest”. “The votes of the jury (a.o. Nuclear Blast, Century Media, Metal Blade, Alex Krull from Atrocity, Andy B. Franck from Brainstorm, Rob from Born from Pain, Gerre from Tankard, Niko and Torsten from Dark Suns, Legacy magazine and the DONG open air crew) had a 50% influence, and the votes of selected METALIUS editors as well as the internet voting both had a 25% influence on the overall rating.” In the end AEVERON was able to defeat 79 contestants and was confirmed as the official winner on the 15th of February 2006.

The prize contained:

• one week (23.02.-01.03.06) in the “Soundshake Studios” in Wunstorf/near Hannover to record four songs + photo shooting

• production of a video clip (02.03.-08.03.06)

• mixing and mastering of the recorded material by Andy Classen until the end of March 2006

• pressing and distribution of the CD via Century Media Records

• participation at the “Dong Open Air” in July 2006 (postponed to July 2007 because of schedule problems)
Because of an indisposition on the part of METALIUS, AEVERON had to wait until the end of May for the studio appointment. During the time of waiting that had to pass unused in performing the new material on stage as well as numerous rejections from the record companies, AEVERON found the long looked-for and competent substitute on the 6-stringed harp in Matthias, finally in April 2006.

At the end of May 2006
AEVERON –hereafter again six members – at length recorded the four songs of the new and hitherto untitled mini album in Wunstorf under the direction of Felix and Tilman Eckelt.After they had nearly given up hope for a release of “The Ancient Realm”, AEVERON found a label in Castamere Records that is willing to produce the album and distribute it among the metal public in December 2006
Here's a sample from The Ancient Realm EP 2006:

free player from

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