Genero:Neo-Classical Power Metal
Origen: 1996(Rusia-Actualidad)
Formacion Actual:
Oleg Zhilyakov - Vocal
Igor ``Jeff`` Polyakov - Guitars
Oleg Mishin - Guitars, Flute
Julia ``Red`` - Keyboards
Alexander Timonin - Bass
Anatoly Levitin - drums
miembros Del Pasado:
Sergey ``Immortal`` Bendrikov - Vocals
Andrey Kapachov - Vocals
Andrey Bartkevitch - Vocals
Anthony Arikh - Guitars
Tatiana Korablina - Keyboards
Alexandra Abanina - Keyboards, Vocals
Alexey ``Cry`` Kraev - Bass
Roman Senkin - Bass
Vadim Bystrov - Bass
Vladimir Muchnov - Drums
Andrey Ischenko – Drums
Alexey Barzilovich - Drums
Musicos Invitados:
Felix Stass - Vocals
Matthias Hechler - Vocals
Alexey Barzilovich - Drums
Child Of The Flowers-Demo 1997
1. | Catharsis | ||
2. | Gates to Nowhere | ||
3. | Without You | ||
4. | Child of the Flowers | ||
5. | Three Roads of Doom | ||
6. | Inner Devotion | ||
7. | Tears of my Soul | ||
8. | Drowned Maid |
Proles Florum -1998 EP
1. | Catharsis | 01:35 | |
2. | Child of the Flowers | 03:56 | |
3. | Inner Devotion | 07:33 | |
4. | Without You | 05:09 | |
5. | Gates to Nowhere | 03:03 | |
6. | Three Roads of Doom | 07:24 | |
7. | Tears of My Soul | 03:05 |
- "Silentium" – 1:25
- "Febris Erotica" – 5:31
- "Towards the Acme" – 4:49
- "Taedium Vitae (part I)" – 6:20
- "Taedium Vitae Part II" – 3:57
- Igni et Ferro – 6:55
- A Trip into Elysium – 5:00
- My Love, the Phiery – 7:55
- Etude №1 A-Moll for Piano, op. 1 – 2:48
- Pro Memoria – 5:27
- Silent Tears – 5:13
- ...Into Oblivion – 2:59
- 1'33'' до... (1'33'' do...)
- Имаго (Imago)
- Сердце мира (Serdtse mira)
- Взорви мои сны (Vzorvi moi sny)
- Дальше - тишина... (Dal'she - tishina...)
- Избранный небом (Izbrannyi nebom)
- Рассветный зверь (Rassvetnyi zver')
- Тарантул (Tarantul) [remix])
- Танцуй в огне (Tantsui v ogne)
- Звездопад (Zvezdopad)
- Воин света (Voin sveta)
- Иди за солнцем (Idi za solntsem)
- Alone
- Bal-Forr
- Eerie Light
:::::Eire LightEP]-2004:::::
- "Кто ты? (Kto ty?)"
- "Помни меня (Pomni menya)"
- "Призрачный свет (Prizrachnyj svet)"
- "Сердце Мира - Stillife Remix (Serdtse mira)"
- "Dancing in the Fire - Necromancer Remix"
- "Eerie Light"
- Увертюра (Ouvertyura)
- Кто ты? (Kto ty?)
- Hold Fast
- Крылья (Kryl'ya)
- Наш путь (Nash put')
- Зов зверя (Zov zverya)
- Талисман (Talisman)
- Madre
- Страж времён (Strazh vremyon)
- Помни меня (Pomni menya)
- Симфония огня (Simfoniya ognya)
- Песнь луны (Pesn' luny)
Верни им небо- Live 2006 CD2
Баллада Земли-2007(SINGLE)
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