

Posted by admin on Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Genero:Neo-Classical Power Metal
Origen: 1996(Rusia-Actualidad)

Formacion Actual:
Oleg Zhilyakov - Vocal
Igor ``Jeff`` Polyakov - Guitars
Oleg Mishin - Guitars, Flute
Julia ``Red`` - Keyboards
Alexander Timonin - Bass
Anatoly Levitin - drums

miembros Del Pasado:
Sergey ``Immortal`` Bendrikov - Vocals
Andrey Kapachov - Vocals
Andrey Bartkevitch - Vocals
Anthony Arikh - Guitars
Tatiana Korablina - Keyboards
Alexandra Abanina - Keyboards, Vocals
Alexey ``Cry`` Kraev - Bass
Roman Senkin - Bass
Vadim Bystrov - Bass
Vladimir Muchnov - Drums
Andrey Ischenko – Drums
Alexey Barzilovich - Drums
Musicos Invitados:
Felix Stass - Vocals
Matthias Hechler - Vocals
Alexey Barzilovich - Drums

Child Of The Flowers-Demo 1997


2.Gates to Nowhere

3.Without You

4.Child of the Flowers

5.Three Roads of Doom

6.Inner Devotion

7.Tears of my Soul

8.Drowned Maid

Proles Florum -1998 EP
2.Child of the Flowers03:56
3.Inner Devotion07:33
4.Without You05:09
5.Gates to Nowhere03:03
6.Three Roads of Doom07:24
7.Tears of My Soul03:05


  1. "Silentium" – 1:25
  2. "Febris Erotica" – 5:31
  3. "Towards the Acme" – 4:49
  4. "Taedium Vitae (part I)" – 6:20
  5. "Taedium Vitae Part II" – 3:57


  1. Igni et Ferro – 6:55
  2. A Trip into Elysium – 5:00
  3. My Love, the Phiery – 7:55
  4. Etude №1 A-Moll for Piano, op. 1 – 2:48
  5. Pro Memoria – 5:27
  6. Silent Tears – 5:13
  7. ...Into Oblivion – 2:59

  1. 1'33'' до... (1'33'' do...)
  2. Имаго (Imago)
  3. Сердце мира (Serdtse mira)
  4. Взорви мои сны (Vzorvi moi sny)
  5. Дальше - тишина... (Dal'she - tishina...)
  6. Избранный небом (Izbrannyi nebom)
  7. Рассветный зверь (Rassvetnyi zver')
  8. Тарантул (Tarantul) [remix])
  9. Танцуй в огне (Tantsui v ogne)
  10. Звездопад (Zvezdopad)
  11. Воин света (Voin sveta)
  12. Иди за солнцем (Idi za solntsem)
:::::PRIMA SCRIPTIO-2003:::::

  1. Alone
  2. Bal-Forr
  3. Eerie Light

:::::Eire LightEP]-2004:::::
  1. "Кто ты? (Kto ty?)"
  2. "Помни меня (Pomni menya)"
  3. "Призрачный свет (Prizrachnyj svet)"
  4. "Сердце Мира - Stillife Remix (Serdtse mira)"
  5. "Dancing in the Fire - Necromancer Remix"
  6. "Eerie Light"

  1. Увертюра (Ouvertyura)
  2. Кто ты? (Kto ty?)
  3. Hold Fast
  4. Крылья (Kryl'ya)
  5. Наш путь (Nash put')
  6. Зов зверя (Zov zverya)
  7. Талисман (Talisman)
  8. Madre
  9. Страж времён (Strazh vremyon)
  10. Помни меня (Pomni menya)
  11. Симфония огня (Simfoniya ognya)
  12. Песнь луны (Pesn' luny)
Верни им небо- Live 2006 CD1
Верни им небо- Live 2006 CD2

Баллада Земли-2007(SINGLE)


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