
Lupe Fluctuates On Retirement

Posted by admin on Wednesday, January 23, 2008

.com/blogger_img_proxy/Admittingly, I've never been the biggest Lupe fan. I gave him a listen, didn't really grab me, but I'm always open for something new. That being said, I still haven't listened to his sophomore effort The Cool, though I will in due time. With the focus on him since the Hip Hop Honors Fiascogate hodgepodge, the word of his retirement has been casually lingering in the air. I stumbled across this article over at DX which elaborates on his decision to step out. For whatever my word is worth on this issue, here's what I have to say on it:

While half of me sees his point regarding the stresses associated with being a musician in a competitive industry, the other half says suck it up if you really love it. You're blessed to have one album out, a second one doing very well, and being able to make a living from what you love. Additionally, if you're going to walk, just go quietly. Instead of making a big deal about it, if you're that frustrated with it, just walk. Have some dignity and integrity, do your thing, and fade out if you really feel that way. There is also something to be said about millions of others wanting to be in your shoes.

Take a step back and put it all in perspective, Lupe.

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