
And Here We Go.....Again!

Posted by admin on Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Intro - "Eeeeeee, proper Bo"
Just barely over a month ago I wrote about my 'good friend' Carvelli and his tortuous attempt at trying to get ABU to promote his product.
Well, looks like some other idiot is trying to grab some of his spotlight and sent me a bog-standard email. After one listen to one of Intro's videos on YouTube I gather he is a dubstep/urban musician.

As his email did not specifically contain the sentence 'do not make fun of me on your blog' I will continue.......

"Hey whats going on ?"

Errr, I'm sitting in my lounge. Okay....? You seem a tad confrontational and I'm only wearing my pants. Back off, son.

"My name is Intro and Im an up and coming Artist/Songwriter/producer."

Well, that's just peachy. Perhaps you could add Bloke That Doesn't Actually Read Your Blog At All Actually to your list of 'achievements'.

"I was surfing through the net and came across your blog site and I thought that this would be the best site for me to build a great relationship with on journey in this music business."

Oh really? So you thought that ABU being that it is a blog specialising in the older school of hip hop would be just tops for sharing your dub-step music?
And if you want to start a "relationship" then it's gots to be Yorkshire Tea and a jammy doughnut, your treat.
And no tongues.

"I have tons of content .. videos , music , mixtapes......."

My, my, we do seem to have a rather large trumpet to blow, don't we?

"....but I need to find a home where I can provide content in exchange for some promotion currently i have about 208 video on my youtube channel with some pretty good traffic. 

You've made 208 videos and aren't a superstar yet?
Well, here's a tip, try contacting websites that actually give a fuck are best-suited to your musical needs rather than firing off blanket emails to all and sundry because that gives the impression that you aren't doing your research properly.
I feel a sense of de-ja-vu......

"Here are some of my links and you can be the judge of my work. Thank you for your time and I truly appreciate it."

Blah, blah, blah, my fingers are in my ears. I can't hear you, la-la-la-la.

If you ever visit this site again then you will see my reply, Mr Intro.
But you probably won't.



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